L'edizione dell'European Film Festival ( TEFF) - che durera' dal 15 novembre 2017 al 30 gennaio 2018 - consiste nella proiezione in tutta l'isola di Taiwan di film europei con sottotitoli in Inglese e Chinese. L'entrata e' gratuita.

I Film proposti per l'edizione 2017 sono:
AUSTRIA Deadly detour (Tödlicher Umweg) 2004, Austria, Thriller, 100 min Directed by Curt M. Faudon In German, with Chinese subtitles
BELGIUM Parasol Belgium, 2015, Drama, 80 min Directed by Valery Rosier In French, with Chinese subtitles
Snowdrops and Aces (Snezenky a machri) 1983, Czechoslovakia), Comedy, 82 min Directed by Karel Smyczek In Czech with English and Chinese subtitles
DENMARK Silent Heart (Stille hjerte) Directed by Bille August 2014, Denmark, Drama, 97 min In Danish, with Chinese and English subtitles
FRANCE A Kid (Le Fils de Jean) Directed by Philippe Lioret France, 98 minutes, 2016, Drama In French, with Chinese and English subtitles
GERMANY Victoria Director: Sebastian Schipper 2015, Germany, Drama, 138 min In German, with Chinese subtitles
HUNGARY Home Guards (Veszettek) Directed by Krisztina Goda 2015, Hungary, Drama, 115 min In Hungarian, with English and Chinese subtitles
ITALY White as Milk, Red as Blood (Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue) 2012, Italy, Drama, 102 min Directed by Giacomo Campiotti In Italian with English and Chinese subtitles
NETHERLANDS 0.03 seconds (0.03 seconde) 2016, The Netherlands, Documentary, 90 min Directed by Suzanne Raes In Dutch, with English and Chinese subtitles
POLAND Polish Short Film Selection 2016, Poland, Shorts, 92 min In Polish with English and Chinese subtitles
- CLOSE TIES (WIĘZI) 2016, Poland, Documentary, 18 min
- LEAVEN (ZACZYN) 2016, Poland, Animation, 5 min
- EDUCATION (NAUKA) 2016, Poland, Documentary, 20 min
- THREE CONVERSATIONS ON LIFE (TRZY ROZMOWY O ŻYCIU) 2016, Poland, Documentary, 25 min
- COME PLAY WITH ME (ZAGRAJ ZE MNĄ) 2016, Poland, Fiction, 20 min Directed by Milena Dutkowska
UNITED KINGDOM “About Dementia” (Experimental Animation Program) -United Kingdom, Animation, 27 minutes program In English, with Chinese subtitles
-My Mum’s got a Dodgy Brain 2016, 6 min
-Isabella 2015, 9 mi
-Memory Songs 2016, 12 min
SLOVAKIA Wilson City (Wilsonov) 2015, Slovakia, Comedy, 115 min Director: Tomás Masín In Slovak, with English and Chinese subtitles
SPAIN Marshland (La Isla Mínima) 2014, Spain, Thriller, 105 min Director: Alberto Rodríguez In Spanish, with English and Chinese subtitles
SWEDEN Eat, sleep, die Directed by Gabriela Pichler 2012, Sweden, Drama, 104 min In Swedish, with Chinese subtitles
SWITZERLAND Vanity (La Vanité) 2015, Switzerland, Drama, 75 min Directed by Lionel Baier In French, with English and Chinese subtitles
Website in Inglese: https://www.teff.tw/taiwan-european-film-festival-teff/
2017 VENUES & SCHEDULES 場地與放映時刻表
基隆 Keelung
海洋大學 三創基地 Keelung Sigma (National Ocean University) 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule (11/11 update)
台北 Taipei
台灣大學 National Taiwan University EUTW 映時刻表 Screening Schedule
政治大學 National Chengchi University
台灣法國文化協會(台北) Alliance Française de Taïwan (Taipei)
Woolloomooloo Out West (WOW)
東吳大學 Soochow University
艋舺龍山文創 B2 monga-b2
新北 New Taipei
輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University
新竹 Hsinchu
新竹影像博物館 Hsinchu Image Museum
新竹高中圖書館 Hsinchu High School Library
清華大學 水木書院 Qinghua University Shuiben Library
台中 Taichung
沙鹿電影藝術館 Shalu Film Odeum 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
中興大學 National Chung Hsing University 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
歷史建築臺中放送局 Taichung Broadcasting Bureau 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule ACCUPASS
彰化 Changhwa
大葉大學 Da Yeh University
彰化縣文化局 Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
雲林 Yunlin
他里霧微光草原聚落 68 電影館 68 Cinema 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
嘉義 Chiayi
大林萬國戲院 Dalin Palais Theatre
25×40 Art Space 25×40 藝文空間放映時刻表 25×40 Art Space Screening Schedule
台南 Tainan
方圓美術館 Fang-Yuan Culture and Art Museum 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
高雄 Kaohsiung
文藻外語大學 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
宜蘭 Yilan
宜蘭縣政府文化局 Yilan Cultural Affairs Bureau
花蓮 Hualien
花蓮縣政府文化局 Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
瑞舞丹大戲院 Rui Wu Dan Cinema 放映時刻表 Screening Schedule
台東 Taitung
台東劇團 Taitung Theatre